
2025/03/07 (Fri)


2013/03/18 (Mon)
Comments(0) | 日々の出来事





2013/03/06 (Wed)
Comments(0) | IVF~出産まで















2013/02/03 (Sun)
Comments(3) | IVF~出産まで



COT(ベビーベッド) $350 マットレス付
PRAM(ベビーカー) $250 COMBI Ebayでゲット




+ 陣痛について
+ 陣痛の和らげ方
+ 陣痛を和らげる機器や薬などの説明
+ 病院の施設案内
+ 出産時の状況
+ 出産直後と父親の役割





2013/01/30 (Wed)
Comments(0) | ビザ関係
先週、永住ビザの申請書を送ったところですが、申請中に海外に渡航することが確定したので、渡航情報についてDIAC(Department ofImmigration & Citizenship)に連絡を取りました。


特に書類等にはメールアドレスはなかったのですが(おそらくメールでのやり取りをしたくないようです。)、先日受け取ったAcknowledgement letterのところにあったアドレスに送ってみました。その際、自分の名前や書類に記載されていた番号(Client IDやRequest IDなど)、さらに渡航先、渡航期間、渡航先の住所、渡航先の電話番号なども伝えてみました。


まず、私が送信したメールアドレス一般的な質問のためのアドレスで、渡航についの報告をしても処理できない。。。など、私に対する注意が書かれた上で、添付ファイル(Form929)に書かれている事務所に電話して欲しいとのことでした。結局は 131 881 の番号に電話して、連絡することを勧められました。

しかし、このメールを開いた担当者は意外に良い人だったのか、その後、私の報告した(Client IDなどの)番号から書類を確認したようで、別のメールアドレス(永住ビザの申請書類で伝えたメールアドレス)にで次のような文章をいただきました。

In regards to your planned travel; until there has been a decision made on your case, you are free to travel in and out of Australia as you please. Please note, Partner (Permanent) visa applications can take 6 to 8 months to process.  Individual cases may be decided in longer or shorter periods, depending on a range of factors. At this stage your application awaits allocation to a case officer. When a case officer is allocated they will contact you if they require further information or if they have finalised your application.



Are you experiencing delays in obtaining a National Police Check from the Australian Federal Police?
It is preferred that all the required documentation be submitted at the same time as this will assist in the timely processing of your application.
The department understands that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) is experiencing significant delays in processing requests for National Police Certificates (NPC).  Consider this response a 28 day extension for you to provide the required documentation.  Please be advised that this delay will not have a negative impact on the processing of your Permanent Partner visa application. 
Have you received my documents?
When the department sent you a letter requesting your documents for second stage processing of the Permanent Partner visa, the package included a return acknowledgement card.  This contact card acts as a receipt. The department will send this card back to you as soon as we receive these documents.  This normally happens within 14 days of you sending the department your documents. If you have not received your acknowledgement card within 14 days, please contact the general enquires line on 131 881. The department does not provide confirmation of receipt of any other documents. If you require confirmation of successful delivery, you should send your documents by registered post.    
Have you changed your address or contact details?
Call 131 881 for further assistance. If you have been granted permanent residency, the permanent partner section no longer requires you to update your personal information.
If you have provided your new contact details in your e-mail and it is from your authorised e-mail address we have updated your details unless advised otherwise. 
Have you had a new passport issued?
If you have a new passport and want your visa registered against the new passport details, complete form 929 and post it to the department. www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/929.pdf 
Have your circumstances changed?
Return a completed Form 1022 'Notification of Change of Circumstance's  www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/1022.pdf  to the department.  If you have been granted permanent residency, the permanent partner section no longer requires you to update your personal information. 
Are you eligible for Permanent Residence?
You will be eligible to have your application for a Permanent Partner visa assessed two years after you lodged your combined partner visa application. To check your eligibility and download the forms, please visit our website at www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/partner/  
Do you need a letter for Medicare?
The Permanent Partner Section no longer provides “Medicare letters” as Medicare is now able to confirm your visa applicant status on-line. 
How can you check your visa status?
You can check your visa staus with VEVO. VEVO is a free online facility available for visa holders to check their current visa details. VEVO enables visa holders, who do not have a label in their passport, to confirm their visa details.
How do you access VEVO?
Enquiries can be made online at http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/vevo.htm
You will need a password. Along with your:
· date of birth
· passport number and 
· country of passport
Contact the department to arrange a password. You must be in Australia to request a password. 
You can request a password for VEVO by calling 131 881. 
Where do you send your second stage application?
Partner (Permanent) Processing Centre Brisbane
GPO Box 9984
Do you have to submit a National Police Certificate (NPC) if you already provided one at the first stage?
NPC’s issued by the Australian Federal Police are only valid for 12 months. If the NPC you provided at first stage has now expired, you are required to apply for and submit a current NPC. 
Do you require an extension of time to submit information to support your Permanent Partner Application?
If you have not previously been given an extension you may call 131 881 for further assistance.   
Are you travelling outside Australia?
Subclass 309 holders - There are no travel or work restrictions associated with your current visa.  If you intend to travel outside Australia during the processing of your application, please make sure you are able to receive Departmental correspondence as failure to respond to requests for information can lead to a refusal of a visa and the ceasing of your current visa.  If you need to change your contact details while you are away, please contact the department on 131 881 before travelling and advise your proposed date of return. 
What is the current processing time for a Partner (Permanent) visa?
Please note we are currently processing applications that are eligible in November 2012
The Published Service Standard for permanent partner visas is six months from date of eligibility.  Most applications are finalised well before this time but some may take longer depending on the complexity and other factors.
If you have not heard from the Permanent Partner Section within six months of your eligibility date, please email qld.pp.processing@immi.gov.au and the department will contact you to provide an update.   
Are you seeking priority processing?
The nature of Partner migration is such that all cases have an emotional or compassionate element. Consequently, in the interest of fairness, applications are processed in the order of the date on which the application was received (eligibility date).
The department acknowledges that personal circumstances are difficult; however, a decision to bring forward the grant of one client's visa may disadvantage other clients if their circumstances are equally compelling. 
Can a dependant child be added to an application and if so, how?
For information about adding a dependant child to your application, go to the following page on our website www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/child/445 
Do you have a post grant enquiry?
If you have been granted permanent residence or if you have any future enquiries, please contact the department on 131 881 or Citizenship on 131 880.
How can you contact the Department?
If you are in Australia you may wish to contact our visa enquiry line on 131 881 between Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm or if you are outside Australia please contact the nearest Australian immigration office.  For further contact details go to www.immi.gov.au/contacts/overseas 
How can you provide feedback?
If you would like to comment on the service that you have received, please refer to www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/services/services-form.htm
The department will use your feedback to improve our services.

2013/01/23 (Wed)
Comments(0) | ビザ関係
今回ビザの確認でVEVO(Visa Entitlement Verification Online)というものを使いました。<LINK

自分が持っているビザ関係の番号(私はGrant Number)を入力し、パスポート番号と誕生日などを入力すると簡単にVISAS内容を確認できます。


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